$129.00 USD

Manifestation & New Beginnings Bundle with Maya Zahira

Submit your email address and payment details to receive access to powerful audio-recorded energy-balancing sessions with Maya Zahira.

These sessions will help you to:

  • Smoothly transition into the new year
  • Boost your manifestation power
  • Create a fresh start and a new cycle

You'll get two powerful audio-recorded energy-balancing sessions.

Plus an extra bonus session!

I'm so excited to see you inside the course!


IMPORTANT: If you are a member of Spiritual Empowerment Academy, you already have this as part of your membership.


What People Are Saying:

Maya, yesterday's energy healing was AMAZING!!!❤❤❤ THANK YOU!!! Before I even began listening to it [the recording], I felt a sense of relief, is the best way I could describe it. At about 7:30 ish, I had a deep exhale and it made me feel it was time to go listen to it ....And when I did....I felt connected, surrounded by angels, at peace. And that you were speaking directly to me, yet we were all connected at the same time. Tears rolled down my face at least 3 times but in a good way! Like I was supported in love and it was ok to open up and release. I've never had energy healing before and I realized I was finally ready for it. ❤ Thank you!" M.C., Missouri